I’m currently implementing API testing on a project.
This project is linked to Auth0.
So there’s an APP (SPA format) which is protected by the Auth0 Management API via authentication.
However, everything I’ve been able to find on forums, tutorials, etc., concerns the possibility of authenticating with the type: client_credentials
But the API manager doesn’t allow this functionality on the APP in question, the box is grayed out and so I can’t activate it.
(Moreover, in the “Test” onget of Auth0’s API manager, when I select the API concerned, I receive this message:
Error! grant type ‘client_credentials’ not allowed for the client.
So, I’ve managed to use autentication in postman with Autentication on the Oauth2 choice (and fill in everything I need, Callback url, Url, Client ID, Client Secret, scope, and even the audiance that is required), it works, but I need to fill in the login/password fields in a window that opens.
I need to find the right system allowing me to play these Postman collections in Newman, and therefore not have the user input system.
I can’t find an example that describes how to do this workflow, the code, the pre-script or any other help to point me in the right direction.
I’d like to thank in advance anyone who can spare the time to help me.
Have a nice day.