Adding custom code snippet generator to Postman Desktop/GUI App?

I wrote a “snippet creator” / postman-code-generator for Mikrotik’s RouterOS’s /tool/fetch command, and followed the directions to file a pull request for it. See Initial push of codegen for Mikrotik RouterOS - `routeros-fetch` by mobileskyfi · Pull Request #770 · postmanlabs/postman-code-generators · GitHub

I can run it locally using Newman/CLI/JS. And happy to share my code… But “my need” is use my customized postman-code-generator NPM in the Postman App’s GUI - but I cannot figure out how to do that (since app is all bundled into Electron/etc. on my Mac).

Is there some way to get the Postman App to load the code generator’s NPM library from alternative source?

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