I have an issue where i get an incongruent authentication encoding…
I have to use Basic Authentication in a GET API call
so I set the username to the given “myusername:89e17ea5-0b32-4dce-8b2c-8d8eb646326e”,
and password is left blank (as this is what I am requested to do
The resulting Header Authorization value gives
Basic bXl1c2VybmFtZTo4OWUxN2VhNS0wYjMyLTRkY2UtOGIyYy04ZDhlYjY0NjMyNmU6
while an external Base64 encoding gives bXl1c2VybmFtZTo4OWUxN2VhNS0wYjMyLTRkY2UtOGIyYy04ZDhlYjY0NjMyNmU=
A call made from outside Postman with same credentials does succeed while Postman will get
an ‘Invalid credentials’ error…
Anybody having a hint about this? Is it because of the blank password?
HI @seppax, the string “myusername:89e17ea5-0b32-4dce-8b2c-8d8eb646326e” contains both username and password. Generally in Basic authentication in raw format, we give header value as.
In my case, same thing happened when I used environment variables as username and password and only input initial value.
Inputing current value solved it.