400 Bad request - INVALID_INPUT

My question:
I try to test POST requests on JIRA which eventually I have to create a ticket.
So I want to see if the server’s response POST, however, I get a “400 Bad request” error every time. Moreover, the error points out that “The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax”.

Details (like screenshots):


How I found the problem / I’ve already tried:
Method → Post
Body → raw → JSON


"fields": {




   "summary":"Jira Rest API via Postman",






               "text": "Creating an issue using project SA and issue type Story Using REST API via POSTMAN"





      "name": "Story"




I have tried this too:

"fields": {



        "key": "SA"


    "summary": "Jira Rest API via Postman",

    "description": "Creating of an issue using project keys and issue type names using the REST API",

    "issuetype": {

        "name": "Story"




Hi @lunar-module-techno1

Are you submitting the correct headers and using basic auth as per the info here?

There is an example curl that can be tweaked slightly and imported into Postman;
Try this to compare yours against.

curl -u “charlie:charlie” -XPOST -H “Content-type: application/json” -d ‘{see below}’ ‘http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/

Hi @w4dd325,

Thank you, For your response.

I think the description has some other type of format, in postman for JIRA.

My callout is working fine now. Find the new updated code below.


"fields": {




   "summary": "Jira Rest API via Postman",

    "description": [


      "type": "text",

      "text": "This story is created by POSTMAN JIRA Rest API"




      "name": "Story"




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