I’m trying to follow the advice from “Working with Certificates” tutorial. I’m not experienced with protocols so having trouble sorting out the concepts.
One step is:
Choose your client certificate key file in the KEY file field
I am not sure what the client certificate key file is. I have a JKS keystore with a self-signed certificate and a private key. I exported the certificate and also create a P12 keystore and used openssl to export a PEM file with I think the private key.
I tried plugging those into the settings | certificates “CRT File” and “KEY File” fields, leaving the “PFX File” and “Passphrase” fields blank.
When I submit my SOAP webservice request I get an error response that seems related to certificate processing as below. I would appreciate any help in understanding how to submit a webservice request with a client certificate.
POST https://eldws.fmcsa.dot.gov/ELDSubmissionService.svc
Error: error:0900006e:PEM routines:OPENSSL_internal:NO_START_LINE
- Client Certificate
Request Headers
Content-Type: text/plain
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.5
Accept: /
Postman-Token: f49fcca4-dc5f-443e-8775-511bd7a531b9
Host: eldws.fmcsa.dot.gov
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Request Body