WIPO API Day 2023 (Online) - June 12 - 13th

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a UN agency, organizes a 2 days online event accessible to anyone. Day 1 will focus on API in general with sessions about trends, security, API manegement, API strategy or API standards. Day 2 focuses on APIs in the Intellectual Property field.

I’ll present the API standards session on day 1: Understanding the importance of API standards from the perspective of API design

Properly defined, understood, and used, standards are an excellent tool for making APIs easier to use, and more interoperable, but also simpler to create. API standards range from locally defined conventions to actual cross-industry standards. They can cover many areas, but API design is the most known and visible one. During this session, we’ll focus on API design standards to understand the power of API standardization. We’ll first study what a “standard” API is. Then will discuss how API design standards benefit API consumers and providers. And finally, we’ll uncover the challenges of establishing and using them.

The full program and registration link are available here:

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