Therefore Postman is going to display that HTML including the tags, where your browser will show the formatted HTML.
If you want to pull the values properly from the response, then return it as JSON instead of HTML then have your front end consume the response and deal with the formatting.
If you just want to “view” your data in Postman you can switch to “Preview” tab in the response pane to render the HTML the way a browser does.
I add a route to my code so now when they submit the form it will do a get method and hold under “/get_session_data”. But now in the postman what should I do to get that get values to display on the bottom and not get null as value.
The response showing as null is down to your code\API, not Postman.
I’m not a developer so I can’t help with Python\Flask code, but the same principle applies to Python for troubleshooting, which would be to console log (or the Python equivalent) your variables before you consume them.
Console log the response_data JSON variable in your Python code. Is it showing the values as you expect?
However, on face value, it still looks like you are trying to read the values as form data, when they are JSON, therefore I suspect those variables will be undefined or null.