Verify dynamic array is sorting correctly

Hello! I want to verify that the data being returned in an array is in ascending order (by first_name). This data will often be new or different, so the test will need to be able to read the response dynamically if that makes sense.

        "id": 15640,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "123",
        "lastname": "123",
        "events_purchased": 1,
        "queue_events_entries": 0,
        "tickets_purchased": 1,
        "events_followed": 0,
        "overall_spend": 10.90,
        "last_purchase": 1648855932000
        "id": 15020,
        "email": "",
        "age": 28,
        "first_name": "darrel",
        "lastname": "neal",
        "events_purchased": 1,
        "queue_events_entries": 0,
        "tickets_purchased": 3,
        "events_followed": 0,
        "overall_spend": 52.70,
        "last_purchase": 1648763935000,
        "birth_date": "1994-03-02"
        "id": 15639,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Zelda",
        "lastname": "Zelda",
        "events_purchased": 1,
        "queue_events_entries": 0,
        "tickets_purchased": 1,
        "events_followed": 0,
        "overall_spend": 10.90,
        "last_purchase": 1648855790000

I tried this test to verify the sorting works, however when I change the sorting parameter in the url to sort by tickets instead of name, it fails:

pm.test("sorting", function () {
    //loop array to get all first names
    let name = => tool.first_name);

        //sort first names and ignore case sensitivity
        let names = name.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {sensitivity: 'base'}))
