I’m new to pm.sendRequest and need some help with how to add NTLM authentication to the request headers
Here is what I have so far:
var EndPoint = pm.environment.get(“SoapEndpoint”)`;
const echoPostRequest = {
url: EndPoint,
method: 'POST',
header: {
body: {
mode: 'raw',
raw: pm.globals.get("GetXML")
pm.sendRequest(echoPostRequest, function (err, res) {
console.log(err ? err : res);
I have a UserName, Password and Domain in the Authentication tab of my request. Can I reference those if I execute pm.sendRequest in pre request of test or do I have to manually specify here too.
if I have to manually specify where/how do I do it?. Do I have to tell it to do NTLM authentication?