Undefined variable

I have a collection variable called artistId
i wanted to check whether in the response body the value of artistId matches the value of that variable
i think i did something wrong

i tried both of these:-

const response = pm.response.json();

pm.test(“Existing Artist Has Been Modified”, function(){
var artistId = pm.collectionVariables.get(“artistId”)


pm.test(“Existing Artist Has Been Modified”, function(){

and both gave me the same message:-
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘artistId’)

Calling variables the same name isn’t something that I would recommend as it can get messy with scope.

Call the stored artistID something like expectedArtistId

The define the responseArtistId something like…

var responseArtistId = response.ArtistId;

The test then comes a lot easier to work with.

pm.test(“Existing Artist Has Been Modified”, function(){

On face value though, your main problems is with this line.


Which should be…


thank u so much
wking gr8 now

My Postman Test script required printing the length of the “clientID” variable. I tried the below Test script but it returns “Undefined”.

var responseJson = pm.response.json();
var cld = console.log((responseJson.content.outputVariables.oddOutput.clientId).length);
pm.test("ClientID. Expected: Length must 1-20 charaters, Actual: ClientID length is " +cld, () => {

ClientID. Expected: Length must 1-20 charaters, Actual: ClientID length is undefined


This should have been its own question.

Remove the console log from the definition of the “cld” variable and then console log it separately afterwards.

var cld = responseJson.content.outputVariables.oddOutput.clientId.length;

If that doesn’t work, you will need to paste an example response, so we can see the structure.

On another note, I can’t see where the following variables are initialized in your example code.


Thank you @michaelderekjones

Below is my complete request and response

Test script:

var responseJson = pm.response.json();

var expectedStatText = "Unsuccessful";
var statText = responseJson.content.outputVariables.oddOutput.responseMessageList.transactionStatusText;
var cld = responseJson.content.outputVariables.oddOutput.clientId.length;

pm.test("ClientID. Expected: Length must 1-20 charaters, Actual: ClientID length is " +console.log(cld), () => {

Test Result

I am expecting Test Result as
“ClientID. Expected: Length must 1-20 charaters, Actual: ClientID length is 21”

Could you share the structure of the response, if the reference to that value is wrong, it would show as undefined.

    "transactionId": "xxxxxx",
    "content": {
        "outputVariables": {
            "oddOutput": {
                "apiVersion": "xxxx",
                "subClientId": "xxxxxxx",
                "clientId": "xxxxxxxxx"
        "status": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "startTimestamp": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "endTimestamp": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "timeTaken": 365

Ok, dealing with your initial issue.

You can’t use console log in the test case name like that.

Use backticks and enclose the variable in ${} like the following.

pm.test(`ClientID. Expected: Length must 1-20 charaters, Actual: ClientID length is ${cld}`, () => {

This is using a concept called Template Literals and in particular string interpolation.

Template literals (Template strings) - JavaScript | MDN (mozilla.org)

I use it all the time to customize test case names, in particular if you are looping through a response.

However, I’m still not understanding your test.

Your example response does not include the transactionStatusText so surely this will be “undefined” and fail the test.


The test itself is called “length must be 1-20 characters”, but you are not actually testing this but that the transactionStatusText = “unsuccessful”.

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Thank you, It worked.
Sorry while posting the full response I deleted a few lines.

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