Undefined token issue when refreshing a new bearer token

I have an application that goes through the login page with username and password credentials and then has a get request with /dev/users/current which has the bearer token I would like to refresh when it’s old. I am getting a 401 error on the current page, a 200 status on the login page and this error (New token has been set: undefined).

I also set environmental variables for authSericeUrl and gatewayUrl as well as the credentials

Does anyone know the problem

var authServiceUrl = pm.environment.get('authServiceUrl');

var gatewayBaseUrl = pm.environment.get('gatewayUrl');

var username = pm.environment.get('username');

var password = pm.environment.get('password');

var sdk = require('postman-collection');

var isValidTokenRequest = new sdk.Request({

    url: gatewayBaseUrl + "/dev/users/current", // Use an endpoint that requires being authenticated

    method: 'GET',

    header: [

        new sdk.Header({

            key: 'content-type',

            value: 'application/json',


        new sdk.Header({

            key: 'acccept',

            value: 'application/json',


        new sdk.Header({

            key: 'Authorization',

            value: 'Bearer ' + pm.environment.get("jwtToken"),




pm.sendRequest(isValidTokenRequest, function (err, response) {

    if (response.code === 401) {




function refreshToken() {

    var tokenRequest = new sdk.Request({

    url: authServiceUrl,

    method: 'POST',

    header: [

        new sdk.Header({

            key: 'content-type',

            value: 'application/json'


        new sdk.Header({

            key: 'acccept',

            value: 'application/json'



    body: {

        mode: 'raw',

        raw: JSON.stringify({

            username: username,

            password: password




  pm.sendRequest(tokenRequest, function (err, response) {

      if (err) {

          throw err;



      if (response.code !== 200) {

          throw new Error('Could not log in.');



      pm.environment.set("jwtToken", response.json().token);

      console.log(`New token has been set: ${response.json().token}`);




I’m very new to Postman, but I just got this to work after scratching my head for an hour.

On the line(s)

change response.json().token to response.json().jwt and it works, as jwt is the key name returned, not token.