Unable to share collection in read-only to guest

We used to share selected collections to customers to allow them test some features. But now share with read only access is suddenly disabled for Basic plan. Allowing me to add only editors, which then have suddenly access to whole team projects, not only collection I clicked Share.

Hey @coding-bear :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Were you previously part of a trial or some other plan type?

For the Basic plan type, that doesn’t include Role Based Access Control so from what I can see in the image, it’s working as expected. :thinking:

Hello @danny-dainton,
we had a free and then switched to basic, which allowed us to share collections without issues for some time. Check attached image.
My issue here is that when I now share collection, I dont mind to share it editable, but person I share to now have access to all collections and seems to be included in team instead sharing only selected collection. And this is not desired result…

Hello @danny-dainton , any tips or updates on this issue?

If you were part of a free trial, i’m unsure what additional benefits that it gave you. One of those could have been those Role Based Access Controls - Those are not part of the core Basic plan.

It’s difficult for me to know the full history of your usage - I just don’t have access to things like that.

I think it might be worth reaching out to us on [email protected] as the support team would have more access to look closer at your account and provide a better answer here :pray: