Consider the following.
Scenario #1
I am able to successfully run from command line (newman run -e no-gento.postman_environment.json no-gentoCopy.postman_collection.json -r cli)
I changed to json and was able to save the results file as well.
Scenario #2
I am unable to do the same from javascript
var newman = require(’…/…/framework/node_modules/newman’);
collection: require(’…/…/data/no-gentoCopy.postman_collection.json’),
environment: require(’…/…/data/no-gento.postman_environment.json’),
// reporters: ‘cli’,
reporters: { json : { export : ‘…/…/data/no-gentoResults.json’ } },
}, function (err) {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log(‘collection run complete!’);
This is the results (notice 0 passing )
[13:51:08] COMMAND DELETE “/wd/hub/session/857014bd-e623-1d43-9b2e-0dce8e63eb3f”
[13:51:08] DATA {}
❏ smoketest
↳ POST / account
POST http://localhost:8080/account ⠋ [13:51:09] RESULT {}
0 passing (7.10s)
Please advise.
Thank you