To verify that time_utc in my response is incrementing by 1 hour for 8 days

I am trying to write a test to verify that in my response, the time_utc is incrementing by 1 hour for every array and i am expecting to see for 8 days.

As of now my console is giving my for only 24 hours.
Need help to clean up the script.

Below is the response body i am trying to acheive, when i write the script:

"date": "2021-03-25",
            "1hourly": [
                    "time_utc": "2021-03-24T23:00:00Z",
                    "atm": {
                        "surf_air": {
                            "temp_apparent_cel": null,
                            "temp_dew_pt_cel": null,
                            "temp_cel": null,
                            "hum_relative_percent": null,
                            "wind": {
                                "hazardous_onset_code": null,
                                "dirn_10m_deg_t": null,
                                "speed_10m_avg_mps": null,
                                "gust_speed_10m_max_mps": null,
                                "mixing_height_m": null
                    "time_utc": "2021-03-25T00:00:00Z",
                    "atm": {
                        "surf_air": {
                            "temp_apparent_cel": null,
                            "temp_dew_pt_cel": null,
                            "temp_cel": null,
                            "hum_relative_percent": null,
                            "wind": {
                                "hazardous_onset_code": null,
                                "dirn_10m_deg_t": null,
                                "speed_10m_avg_mps": null,
                                "gust_speed_10m_max_mps": null,
                                "mixing_height_m": null

Postman script written as below:

  for(var i = 0; i < forecast.length; i++)
       var one_hourly = forecast[i]["1hourly"];
       for(var k = 0; k < one_hourly.length; k++)
           //the difference between start and end time should be 1 hour as it is 1hourly forecast
           var start_time_utc = moment(one_hourly[k].time_utc);
           var end_time_utc = moment(one_hourly[k+1].time_utc);

           console.log(start_time_utc, end_time_utc);

           var duration = moment.duration(end_time_utc.diff(start_time_utc)).asHours();
           console.log (duration);