The 3 Ps: Postman Public Profiles and how and why you should set up yours

Most of us when we register to use a new App want to get straight to the action, creating a profile is usually not a priority. However, in order to both benefit yourself and others via the power of Community it is great to make a five minute investment in filling out your profile.

Why?, because communities are based on trust and the more you share the more they thrive. By creating a public profile, you can share not only who you are but also your public collections of your works and your creativity. In the process you create an organic portfolio. You do not have to make everything public, Postman allows you to create a private profile with which you can also collaborate with your team by sharing your profile link. You can be discovered or you can get feedback. Any positive engagement like this builds your reputation in the community and as a bonus you build credit as a Postman user.

Enough of the why, here are the steps you need to take to build out your public profile.

1.	Once you are logged in, go to the small cloud icon on the top RHS and select Profile
3.	Select the Edit Profile Icon (which has a pencil next to it)
4.	Update your profile picture and background banner (more details below)
5.	Choose a username. Select a name that is somewhat meaningful as it comes a part of your public profile URL, then toggle the “Make Public Profile” switch. 
6.	Under “About you” share a small bio. You can copy it from your LinkedIn, GitHub, Blog or other social media site, or create a new one. Remember less is always more.
7.	Under Website, and Social Media accounts you can list those you have and or want to share. 
8.	Save changes and voila.

To update your profile picture and background here are a few more tips:

1.	The max file size is 500KB and can be  .jpg, .jpeg, or .png
2.	Find (or take) a profile photo of your self or if not use an Avatar. 	Hover over the circle with the cloud and you will see a Pencil, from which you can upload the photo. The editor will allow you to crop the photo.
3.	For the background banner you can go-to sites like Pixabay or Unsplash where you can get royalty free pics. or if you are the more creative type, go to Canva and create your own background. The editor will allow you to crop the photo.


Public Profiles | Postman Level Up

Public Profile And The Five Keys Of Building It

Five ways to build your public profile


Hi @cryosat-explorer-366! Welcome to the community :trophy:

What a great post and we couldn’t agree more! Public profiles are a great way to show off your awesome collections and allow others to learn more about the members of the community.

And how exciting to see that Elon Musk is a Postman user! :laughing:


thank you for the kind words Sean.

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