Hi, I am trying to parse my HTML response for a test to see if the values coming back are valid or not
Here is my sample HTML response body
< tr >
< td >TRAN Connect Status< /td >
< td >UP< /td >
< /tr >
I am trying to check the Tran Connect status by using tests if its UP or not.
I am using the following test script
pm.test(“Body is correct”, function () {
pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include("description to be searched here
I am able to search < td >TRAN Connect Status< /td > using above command, However I am unable to search both the lines
< td >TRAN Connect Status< /td >
< td >UP< /td >
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. Ignore the syntaxes in HTML above. After saving the post here, my HTML syntaxes are messing up