Testing my API, curl works but postman doesn't

Hi, this is driving me nuts, I put my api in a linux server inside my local network, a simple curl get request works (curl -H ‘user-id:1’, but the same get request in postman gives me following error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH - Local (, ping works, ip is reachable, request by browser works, my postman version is 11.23.3 on Mac.

Hey @orbital-module-cosm5 :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

What does that full request look like in Postman, the cURL request looks like it has a header but I can’t see that in the console log.

Are you trying this on the Desktop Client or the Web Platform?

Hi Danny, thanks for answering, problem was solved, it was a permission in my Mac in settings, privacy & security, network access to Postman, it is not firewall, is a new section in Mac OS sequoia, never happened to me before.

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