Test fails as expected sort order using orderBy in lodash gives shuffled records

Can u please reply for the above query…Probably this would be last query on this post…

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Sorry was busy at work , no you cannot use && because expect throws an error exception if test fails , so it won’t evaluate the next expect condition

Ok no issues…Then what else can I use to validate the above test? An IF statement or Is there any other way?

What is that you want to test what is res ?

This is my request. I need to validate that the response retrieves records that have both filter Values in the below filterList. If condition doesn’t satisfy, response will be empty

“pageNumber”: 1,

“pageSize”: 10,

“sortParams”: [


  "sortColumn": "BranchName",

  "sortOrder": "Asc"



“filterParams”: {

"filterColumn": null,

"filterValue": null,

"operator": null,

"logicOperator": "and",

"isCaseSensitive": true,

  "filterList": [{

  "filterColumn": "BranchName",

  "filterValue": "test",

  "operator": "contains",

  "logicOperator": "and",

  "isCaseSensitive": true



  "filterColumn": "BranchCode",

  "filterValue": "MAA",

  "operator": "eq",

  "logicOperator": "and",

  "isCaseSensitive": true




This is my response

"pageNumber": 1,

"pageSize": 10,

"totalPages": 1,

"totalRecordsCount": 1,

"succeeded": true,

"message": null,

"errors": null,

"data": [


        "branchId": 449,

        "branchCode": "MAA",

        "branchName": "TEST Chennai",

        "branchCodeWithName": "MAA - TEST Chennai",

        "companyId": 19,

        "companyCode": "GIN",

        "companyCompanyName": null,

        "companyCompanyCodeWithName": null



I have written the code in previous post for the above case

Can u please reply.please don’t mind

pm.expect(res).to.eql(value1) && pm.expect(res1).to.include(value2)

I am sorry didn’t see the message busy day . What is res and res1 in this . Please format your comment properly I am not able to understand

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This is what I have written




pm.expect(res).to.eql(value1) && pm.expect(res1).to.include(value2)

} });

Here res and res1 are the response data. I am validating the response to check if particlular filter values are present by using && here. I have shared my request and response bodies also in my previous post. If u see my request body the logic operator to check this case is “and”. But as you previously said, I can’t use pm.expect with && , can u suggest the right way to do this.Do I need to make changes to the script I have written?

May be separate it as two different tests