Set Default Environment for Collections

Is it possible to set default environments for collections?

I have several collections that are using different environments, right now I can remember which environment is for which collection but I was wondering if there is an option to set a default environment for certain collections?
When I open the collection runner and choose a collection, the respected environment for it to be set?


I think it is not possible to achieve this in postman native application right now.

Is it possible to achieve this now?
It is a much-needed feature for me.

Same question here.

How hard could it be to do this? The ability to associate is already there, the only thing missing is the ability for the collection to optionally store the starting environment.

C’mon Postman developers…


This isn’t possible at the time but it looks like we’re already tracking it as a feature request on GitHub:

This doesn’t mean this will be implemented but the more feedback we’ll get there the more chances it will get prioritised.

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