Send requests to remote host (not on localhost)

Is there a way to use postman for requests on a remote server?

It is a shared server and node is running on a port defined by the environment. I am hesitant to give too much irrelevant information. Please let me know if I should provide more details.

Thank you,

Welcome here @dom-designs :slightly_smiling_face:

You can definitely use Postman to call a remote server, all you need to do is input the address of that server where you’ve put localhost until now, for example:

More information in the documentation here:

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Thanks for the help. I am just getting around to trying this. When I enter

Postman returns the contents of index.html.

However, when I run localhost:5000/api/courses in postman it actually fetches data from the remote MySQL database on my shared server and it displays the contents of the database as expected.

I see that in your config.js you have your localhost address hardcoded:

export default {
    apiBaseUrl: 'https://localhost:5000/api',

That is probably the reason why you can reach your API on local but not online.