Running postman scripts as part of runner as well as locally in postman desktop console when using data file


I am developing test automation scripts in postman wherein i do have data sets in json for my automation to run using Runner.
However, i want to use the same sets of data without modifying any test scripts in postman console when not using runner.
For example: I have some workflows where i dont want to use the runner always. Quickly just click on the request and check if its coming up correctly.

I have found a way where i tried to use environment in postman as a solution for this and added the specific test data in that.
Is there a better way to approach this?

hi @Ra_Na, you can use newman collection runner, It can be used to run postman collection using cmd console window also with environmental variable and all assertion result will display result on console window. It is faster way to get work done without even opening postman app.


  1. node installed on local pc.
  2. newman installed on local pc.
  3. collections and its environment exported to local system in json format.

with following command it can be executed on cmd
newman run collectionName.json -e Environment.json

Hi @subodh1, This doesnt solve the problem that i am facing.
My question is allowing me to run tests in postman using same Data file [json] on the postman desktop-console and also using the collection runner

My desktop console is nothing but the main desktop app where we normally run quick API calls using SEND button.

@Ra_Na your ques is not so clear to me, what i am getting from your ques is

  1. you want to run postman test with or without runner.
  2. you want to test your api with same data input quickly possibly in one click.
    you want to use postman like fiddler app, where one send button is enough to get api response.

I think my solution will be feasible if you have to run same API test with same data set or different as saved in different environments for data input.
Additionally you can create a batch file which will run in command prompt; newman run collection -e environment (containing data inputs) in one click.