Response API comparison - Selective elimination of nodes before doing the compare

I’m running a test to compare expected json response with actual json response from the application. As part of the test, I want to remove a node whose values are dynamic. During each iteration, the dynamic content will change and will fail the json compare. I would like to know if we have any method which we can use to do selective comparison.

Below script, compare validates the entire json. But need a method to remove a few of the dynamic nodes before doing the compare.

var accounts = data.accounts;
var expJSON = data.expectedresponse;

//JSON Compare step
pm.test("jsonCompare", function () {
    var jsonData = pm.response.json();

I can use below approach for testing Block by block, but having 1000’s of nodes to compare, the below approach is not practical.

tests["Validate Question 1"] = jsonData.questions[0].title === "adckddkd";
tests["Validate Question 2"] = jsonData.questions[1].title === "*******";

Hey @perinbaraj,

Welcome to the community!! :star2:

Are you able to provide a sample of the 2 different responses that you’re likely to receive?

Just so that people can see which parts of the data are going to be changing.

Hi Danny,
Thank you for the response.
Data 1:
“id”: “abcd4234232242”,
“Example1”: “this is a test”,
“SessionId”: 2d3d3d34342323334,
“questions”: [
“id”: “abcd4234232242"”,

Data 2:
“id”: “abcd4234232243”,
“Example1”: “this is a test”,
“SessionId”: 2d3d3d3434232335,
“questions”: [
“id”: “abcd4234232243"”,
Consider id and sessionid has dynamic values.

For now the solution i got from another forum:

function convertToObjectWithExcludeKeys(orginalObject, excludeKeys){
var newObj = {};
Object.keys(orginalObject).map(key => {
if(excludeKeys.indexOf(key) < 0){
newObj[key] = orginalObject[key];

return newObj;


var b = {Sample1}
var a = {Sample2};

var excludeKeys = [“Value1”,“Value2”,“Value3”];

//Convert original objects to temporary objects with exclude keys
var tmpA = convertToObjectWithExcludeKeys(a, excludeKeys);
var tmpB = convertToObjectWithExcludeKeys(b, excludeKeys);

console.log(“tmpA”, tmpA);
console.log(“tmpB”, tmpB);

pm.test(‘Equals’, function() {
pm.expect(_.isEqual(tmpA, tmpB))