Read data on nested json in visualizer

I am trying to parse nested JSON data.

My JSON value looked like below:

"errorCode": 0,
"msg": null,
"result": {
    "totalRows": 451,
    "queryData": {
        "currentPage": 1,
        "currentPageSize": 1,
        "sortName": "",
        "sortOrder": "desc",
        "searchKey": "",
        "filters": {
            "startTime": 1440000
    "data": [
            "id": "608960f8ef11210677048bc8",
            "voucherCode": "1001674712",



I have already tried the following but I got no response on visualizer:

{{#each response.result}}
            {{#each data}}

All good, this did the job :man_facepalming:

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@satellite-geoscienti Welcome to the Community :bouquet:

Perfect, thanks for sharing the working snippet too :partying_face:

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