Hi there, first time posting here;
ive got a curl command (that ive verified works ok in curl) but translating it to Postman is proving troublesome
curl --insecure --cookie SessionID="==value====" -H “Accept: application/xml” --data “searchCriteria={‘criteria’:[{‘field’:‘doc_ref’,‘operator’:‘3’,‘values’:[‘doc_name_to_find’]}]}” https://adoddleak.asite.com/commonapi/documentsearchapi/search>documentsearch.xml
the main problem i seem to be having is that its a form encoded post with a parameter that contains a json object (rather than a flat body post) and i just cannot figure out how to enter it into postman to make it work
can anyone help me please?
example json object
things ive tried:
importing the curl command as text using the Import system, but it fails with “Error while importing Curl: arg.startsWith is not a function”
raw post:
attempted arrays using the postman array system
im either so far off the mark its silly or im missing something super basic and stupid.