forgive my lack of tests and error logic. I know my pre-request script is working but for the life of me I can’t figure out why the subsequent POST request fails with “Invalid token”.
I’m using Postman to execute a pre-request script for auth and it’s returning 200 and is giving the { id } from the res. BUT!! when I set the env variable of { token } and then call on { token } from the header of the actual POST request, I’m getting an “Invalid token” response, 401.
I checked the logs and the POST request header is matching the { token } that was returned in my pre-request script. Why would
the server reject it?
const auth = pm.environment.get('auth')
const user = btoa(`${pm.environment.get('username')}:${pm.environment.get('password')}`)
if (!auth) console.log('Missing authorization endpoint')
if (!user) console.log('Missing credentials')
if (pm.environment.get('token')) pm.environment.set('token', '')
const echoPostRequest = {
url: auth,
method: 'POST',
header: `Authorization: Basic ${user}`
pm.sendRequest(echoPostRequest, function (err, res) {
const { id } = res
pm.environment.set("token", id)
I came up with this same idea for a project at work. This was the first post I found and just wanted to provide some clarity for those who land on this page after their epic google search for an answer.
Make sure to use res.json() that will provide access to the JSON expected vs accessing the Response Object.
pm.sendRequest(echoPostRequest, function (err, res) {
const json = res.json() // Get JSON value from the response body
pm.environment.set("token", json.token) // makes sure to update this key name.
same idea for a ran into this same issue and wanted to leave a comment here for anyone else that is looking for a solution to this.
since this was the first post I found when looking for a solution
I am attempting to use this same structure to scrape the token from the pre-request script body. However, I cannot get the “token” variable to pass through to the bearer authentication. When viewing the console I can see the token is correct in the body, but the token variable stays “null”. Any thoughts? Thanks!