Short version:
API key is valid, Postman recognizes and uses PEM certificate, so why do I get a certificate error when trying to postman login --with-api-key?
Long version:
With the new limits on collection runs, I’ve been tasked with figuring out if Postman should remain our paid API tool.
I’ve installed Postman Cli, created an API key in and verified that said API key works.
From my workplace whenever I try to try to login using: postman login --with-api-key I get the error: “Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain”
This is expected as we have our own certificate decrypting all SSL traffic.
Therefor I exported both our own CA root certificate as well as the intermediate certificate ssldecrypt..local and converted both to a PEM certificate using certutil.exe -encode <ssldecrypt.cer> mycert.pem
I have added the PEM certificate to Postman from Settings > Certificate and tested it against
With my PEM certificate removed I get a “Warning: self signed certificate in certificate chain” in the PM console.
With my PEM certificate uploaded and enabled I have no issues reaching
So what am I missing here?
I also tried --ssl-client-key and --ssl-client-cert (from Newman) but as expected neither flag is supported by Postman Cli
Snatched the certificate from (redirected from, saved is as -pem and added it to my certificate root store
certutil -addstore -f "Root" postman.pem
Same error.
For anyone testing the above, you can remove the certificate using the thumbprint and:
certutil -delstore "Root" <thumbprint>