Postman CLI Failed assertions are not reported in the summary

Hi There,

Has anyone else come across this issue?

I created a simple data-driven test with 1 GET request with an assertion to check the contents of the response body for a specific value.

When I run it within Postman desktop, I see the test fails when the value is not in the response body,

If I run the same test with Postman CLI, it reports a failed test but it’s not reported in the summary.

Thanks in advance.

Hey @cruxto :wave:

The CLI is showing 0 for failed iterations - It looks like you executed only a single iteration without it failing.

The assertions showing 1 would be that failed test in the summary table which is that test (in red) above the table.

I genuinely don’t know what is classed as a failed iteration :thinking:

Cheers @danny-dainton,

We all have the opportunity to learn then :slight_smile:

it was me assuming the wrong thing :frowning:

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