Postman API requests are not synchronized

Hi Everyone,

Thanks, it is working now I want to share my code it may help someone like me :stuck_out_tongue:

Post api call for Search API

Pre request
var nextIndexQ = +parseInt(pm.environment.get(‘nextIndexQ’));

newqr = JSON.parse(pm.environment.get(“Qstring”));


pm.environment.set(‘currentQ’, newqr[nextIndexQ]);

nextIndexQ = nextIndexQ + 1;

if(nextIndexQ < newqr.length){





console.log(“No data”)


pm.environment.set(“nextIndexQ”, nextIndexQ);

“query”: {{currentQ}},
“from”: “{{fromDate}}”,
“to”: “{{toDate}}”,
“timeZone”: “IST”,
“byReceiptTime”: true
Test tab

collected response and saved ids from each responses and used it in a next job call.

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