Hello, I am trying to use the Postbot in order to create some test, however the option shown in the documentation is not present Postbot Is Now in Open Beta—Try it Today | Postman Blog
Glad to see you are excited to try out Postbot!
Can you share a little bit more on what example you are trying to implement?
Are you able to see any of these options yet?
Hello Kevin! thanks for answering. I just opened the Postman desktop version and now I am able to see it. Looks magic! thanks anyways
I am using the desktop version and still cannot see the Postbot tests options.
Checked for updates but seems I already have the latest Postman version (v10.15.10).
Would appreciate some hints.
Thanks all!
Hi @skyroamofghostviper !
Just to confirm, what is your current Postman plan?
PostBot is not yet available to enterprise customers.
Ahh, got it, thanks!
Enterprise it is. That should be the reason then.
Would try the bot with my home edition then.
Sorry for reopening the thread but where should I follow the news on when Postbot will be available for Enterprise subs?
Regards, skyroamofghostviper.
Hi @skyroamofghostviper !
I don’t have any news to share re: ETA, but please do follow Postman on Twitter, LinkedIn or our blog for updates!
Thanks a lot for reply!
Will follow up closely for more news
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