Post form-data array with multiple objects that contain an image

Hello everyone,

how can I post an array via form-data with multiple objects that contain an image?

This is how the array should look like at the end.

    "tempId": 0,
    "image": "",
    "description": "Step 1",
    "items": [
            "tempId": 1,
            "value": "400",
            "name": "I2"
    "tempId": 1,
    "image": "",
    "description": "Step 2",
    "items": [
            "tempId": 0,
            "value": "200",
            "name": "I1"


The problem is that I don’t know how to do it with the images.

Thanks in advance for your help

You can include your image content as an encoded string there.

You can’t reference any files if you are sending JSON.