pm.execution.setNextRequest can not work in Newman

Hi all,

Recently. I am using “pm.execution.setNextRequest” through postman app(version 11.2.35), but it can not work in my Jenkins pipline(Newman run).

I can’t find ANY documentation on pm.execution.setNextRequest() does anyone know anything about this?
Thanks a lot~

Hey @meringliu :wave:t2:

Welcome to the Postman Community :postman:

Is there a particular error message that you’re not seeing?

What version of Newman is that using? Is it the latest version?

Hi @danny-dainton :grinning:
Thanks for your feedback~
The error msg like " Cannot read property ‘setNextRequest’ of undefined", and I use newman as a plugin in my Jenkins CI platform. Did you mean that i need to upgrade the latest version?

I don’t know which version of Newman that your plugin is using.

It would need to be 6.1.0 or newer to use the pm.execution.setNextRequest() functionality.

I have checked my version and turns out it is 5.2.0.
After upgrade to 6.1.3 and solve the problem now~ thanks a lot~

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