Please Help! Newb!

Hello all, I’ve new to Postman and am trying to breakdown some instructions my organization has on using Postman to update a Signing Certificate for Relying Parties.

My question is: Can Postman Collection Runner have a body with raw data and also use a data csv file to associate both?

I have a csv with about 1000 rpid’s that need to be associated with a new signing certificate. I have the new cert as well.
The instructions I have say to use collection runner and upload the csv file. BUT I feel like there’s a step missing as to how a cert ID (aka alias) gets associated with these rp’s?

I hope this was enough info to provide understanding.

Hi @davidc3278 !

Great question, let’s see if I can clear this up for you :slight_smile:

  1. CSV File Format : Your CSV file probably contains the rpid values. An example format might be:

  2. Postman Request Setup: To associate the certificate ID or alias with the RPs, you’d need to include that in the request. In Postman, when you set up the request, you can use variables in your request body or URL. For instance:


    BODY (Raw JSON as an example):

        "certAlias": "YOUR_CERT_ALIAS"
  3. Using CSV with Collection Runner: When you use the Collection Runner and upload the CSV file, Postman will iterate through each row in the CSV and replace the {{rpid}} variable in the URL with the value from the CSV file.

  4. Incorporating the Certificate ID/Alias: If the certificate ID or alias is constant across all RPs, you can directly include that in the request body as shown above. If it varies, you would need to include it in your CSV and reference it as a variable in your request body.

  5. Running the Collection: Once you have set up the request, open the Collection Runner, select your collection, and upload the CSV file in the data section. Postman will run the request for each row in your CSV.

  6. Verify & Check Responses: After the Collection Runner completes, review the responses to ensure that each RP was updated successfully. Depending on the API, you should get a success status or a confirmation message for each request.

In summary, yes, you can use raw data in the request body and also use variables from a CSV file in the Collection Runner. The key is to set up your request correctly with variable placeholders (like {{rpid}}) and ensure that your CSV provides values for each of these variables.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns :slight_smile:

Yes, perfect!! I was leaning towards that answer but couldn’t be certain. Thank you for clearing this up!


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