Performance Testing With Postman

How can we do performance testing using Postman. I use Postman to test my Rest API’s but I am not sure how can we do performance testing. In the past I had to sue Jmeter to do Performance testing . It doesn’t make any sense to use two tools and set up your tests again to performance test on one and functional on the other. Please suggest


I have used Postman to do some simple load testing using

These weren’t huge load test that went a long duration. They were load tests built into our CI/CD pipeline that either ran the code through the deploy or triggered a Lambda that ran the load.

There are ways to convert Postman tests to use in performance testing as well.

With these you are still having to use another tool to do the performance testing.



Thanks for your response . loadium seems to be helpful in generating the jmx file , but in that case I still end up using 2 tools Postman and Jmeter. I am trying to find out how can I have one stop shop for all my rest Api testing. I want to use Postman but

I am from the Loadium team. First of all, thank you very much for using our services. I want to correct a point that with the Loadium you can run load tests with huge loads without needing any other tools. You may simply use our HTTP test creator service and you can use JMeter or Gatling, you can even run your Postman collections directly.

You may also swiftly bind your CI/CD pipeline with the Loadium using our API.

If you guys have any other questions in your minds please don’t hesitate to contact Loadium’s 7/24 available support.

Happy Testing!

Postman has performance testing since around a year now. Please check the
this link for more information - API Performance Testing | Postman API Platform

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