Hello, I have been looking for an answer few hours now so I will ask it here. My goal is to set environment variable from responseBody so I could reuse it later on in other requests. Before I do that I want to first fetch that variable, however I encounter issues.
"tokens":"{'refresh': 'sample_refresh', 'access': 'sample access'}"
Please note that tokens is another dict, but passed as string
I want to get the value for access.
and here are what I have tried doing:
response = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tokens = response.tokens
accesstry1 = tokens["access"]
accesstry2 = tokens[1]
Result: "{'refresh': 'sample_refresh', 'access': 'sample access'}"
Result: undefined
Result: "'"
I also tried to re-parse tokens like this:
tokens = response.tokens
tokens_parsed = JSON.parse(tokens)
Result JSONError: Unexpected token '\'' at 1:2 {'refresh':
Please help