OAuth 1.0 for Jira

Hello, I need a help with the my API Integration.
I have created the publickey and private key for the Jira and also I’ve created the application link.
I have followed this guide and did the Java version of fetching data. I can request token and goto the link to authorize it by click allow and get the token to get access token.
When I’m trying in Postman if I used the Consumer Key, Access Token and Token Secret from the jar file I did earlier I’m getting error. the file Consumer Secret, what supposed to be it? Where/How do I fill the private key values in Postman.
getting this error.

Client must be authenticated to access this resource.

I also getting this error


Help me out, stuck for days in this. Thank you in Advance

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Hi @anisah97

According to the documentation, the Consumer key is what you have entered when entering the client details on Jira. In the example, it is OauthKey.

The consumer secret seems to be the contents of the file jira_privatekey.pcks8.

Does it help?

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Hi @vdespa, thank you very much…

I tried the Privatekey value for the Consumer Secret. I’m getting error like this
CODE 400


For what I known, my signature_method is RSA-SHA1 in the Postman drop down menu only have HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256 and Plaintext.

As you can see I’ve added the signature method to override the value. Is there anything wrong in my configuration? BTW the Access Token, Token Secret all I get it from Jar version of Aouth. Thank you in advance


I have looked into this issue and it does not look good. The problem is not only modifying the query parameters. This is a different way of creating the signature.

This is also mentioned on the issue tracker:

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Yes I came across this link, It’s look complicated and I don’t understand well. Is there any other way. Thank you in advance.

What are you actually trying to do with Jira?

I wanted to do API Integration for Ticketing using Jira.
This is what I’ve been trying. Using OAuth 1.0 with Jira Service Desk. REST API…
I have to do webhooks as well.

You may one to try doing the integration using a programming language and not Postman.

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