Newman returns 1 despite success

Iā€™m using Jenkins to run Newman. In order for the job to finish without exiting in the middle due to a failure, Iā€™m running newman in a try-catch in bash as the following example:

newman run collection.json || rc=$?; echo $rc; failure=true

The problem is, that even when there are no failures in newman, it still gets a 1 return code. So in my job, the following command:

newman run collection.json --reporters cli,htmlextra,junit --reporter-htmlextra-export html/repot.html --reporter-htmlextra-logs --reporter-htmlextra-title Report-API --reporter-junit-export newman/report.xml -g newman/workspace.postman_globals.json -e newman/Master.postman_environment.json || rc=$?;if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then echo $rc; echo "^ Return Code ^";echo "$file failed";failure=true;fi

Returned the following:

ā”‚                         ā”‚            executed ā”‚             failed ā”‚
ā”‚              iterations ā”‚                   1 ā”‚                  0 ā”‚
ā”‚                requests ā”‚                   9 ā”‚                  0 ā”‚
ā”‚            test-scripts ā”‚                  18 ā”‚                  0 ā”‚
ā”‚      prerequest-scripts ā”‚                  11 ā”‚                  0 ā”‚
ā”‚              assertions ā”‚                  16 ā”‚                  0 ā”‚
ā”‚ total run duration: 4.2s                                           ā”‚
ā”‚ total data received: 35.17kB (approx)                              ā”‚
ā”‚ average response time: 372ms [min: 158ms, max: 793ms, s.d.: 191ms] ā”‚

^ Return Code ^

As you can see, even though in the run there were 0 failures, Newman still returns a 1 return code.

Am I missing something? Is this a Newman issue or a Bash issue?

Thanks ahead!

To run multiple commands after || need to use the solution posted here: How to use multiple commands after "||" in Bash - Stack Overflow