Newman - PostmanResponse{ …(5) } to have property 'code'

I have a postman collection and environment JSON files and checked into Azure Repo and running those ADO releases using Newman command in AWS cloud. These were working till friday and I have checked in the new changes to repo on late friday and now I am seeing new error -
expected PostmanResponse{ …(5) } to have property ‘code’ .

newman run x_collection.json -e x_env.json --reporters=‘cli,htmlextra’

Again these commands are working on my laptop.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @docking-module-geol7. Welcome to the Postman Community.

Is this the full error displayed? If not, can you sopy and paste the full error displayed on the command line?

Also, are you running the exact same collection and environments locally?

these were fixed automatically

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