I am new to the postman and i have written test scripts using if else but my else part is not executing whenever i am getting different status code instead of expected one.
Can anyone help me where i am doing wrong ?
Please find the sample code which i have written for my request below.
//To capture request body name and reponse body name field’s value
let reqBody = JSON.parse(request.data);
reqName = reqBody.name;
let resBody = JSON.parse(responseBody);
resName = resBody.name;
//To check status code and name field’s value are equal
if(pm.response.to.have.status(201) && reqName === resName) {
pm.test(‘Test is passed with Status code 201 and expected client name’);
console.log(“Test is passed”);
pm.test(“Test is failed”);
console.log(“Test is falied”);
Your else part is not being executed because the assertion is probably throwing an error and your script stops executing. Also, the assertion doesn’t return a boolean → pm.response.to.have.status(201) // this won’t return a boolean value.
The correct way to do this is, write a test:
let reqBody = JSON.parse(request.data);
reqName = reqBody.name;
let resBody = JSON.parse(responseBody);
resName = resBody.name;
pm.test('should have the status code as 201 and reqName to equal resName', function () {
Now when you’ll run this script, you’ll see that whenever any of these assertions throw an error, the test will fail.
There are a lot of resources around writing tests in Postman, I’ll leave a few here by @jetison :