I have created a collection featuring three requests based on the following method and URL:
GET 200 OK
Accept | application/json |
x-api-key | {{apiKey}} |
x-mock-response-code | 200 |
I have then created a mock server for the collection featuring the following mocked request/response:
Example Request : GET 200 OK
curl --request GET \
--url 'http://{{url}}{{path}}/subject/{{subject_nr}}/honden' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response : 200 OK
"datum_ingang": "2/5/18",
"totaal_aantal_honden": 1
NOTE: The mock server shares the same environment the collection uses, all the abovementioned environment variables are substituted correctly at runtime.
When the request is sent to the mock server, the following output is shown in the console:
* * Request Headers:
* accept:"application/json"
* accept-encoding:"gzip, deflate"
* cache-control:"no-cache"
* host:"1f586124-667b-4d20-b3cc-ce66c99d0cba.mock.pstmn.io"
* postman-token:"4e5fff38-af47-4994-89e5-1e1e9ca75668"
* user-agent:"PostmanRuntime/7.3.0"
* x-api-key:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
* x-mock-response-code:"200"
* * Response Headers:
* access-control-allow-credentials:""
* access-control-allow-headers:""
* access-control-allow-methods:""
* access-control-allow-origin:"*"
* access-control-expose-headers:""
* connection:"keep-alive"
* content-encoding:"gzip"
* content-length:"185"
* content-type:"application/json; charset=utf-8"
* date:"Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:08:25 GMT"
* etag:"W/"d5-wZgN2LuPyvxuKCxlKWOeZw""
* server:"nginx"
* vary:"Accept-Encoding"
* x-ratelimit-limit:"60"
* x-ratelimit-remaining:"59"
* x-ratelimit-reset:"1540462165"
* * Response Body:
* error:
* name:"mockRequestNotFoundError"
* message:"We were unable to find any matching requests for this method type and the mock path, '/urds/wrd/api/hond/v1/subject/0303200001/honden', in your collection."
218 ms
My questions are:
- Why is this happening?
- Are TEMPLATE parameters in the path supported by the mock server?