Hi All,
New to Postman, so want to see if I’m missing something before I declare this as a bug.
I have several different servers running slight variations of the same a .Net Web API service. (Dev, SIT, UAT, PROD) All environments use https, but of course have different URLs. I’m also debugging locally via localhost, which is standard http.
I have a single Collection which tests each of my web api methods. I’ve also created a different Postman Environment for each of the servers. Each one has an Environment Variable called UrlBase, such that I can run the same tests on each of the different servers.
I have the url for each method in the Collection set to {{UrlBase}}/api/SomeMethodName, so that I can test each method on each of the different servers just by changing the Environment. UrlBase is set to “https://myProdServer”, etc.
Executing a single method in the collection works great. Methods get json data, the tests I’ve written pass, etc. A problem happens when I go to use the Runner though. Looking at the run results, I can see where it’s appending an extra “http://” in front of my URLs, such that it’s now trying to hit http://https:/myProdServer.
I realize it’s essentially treating the ‘//’ as a single ‘/’ in my environment variable. I was able to get around this for the localhost version by dropping the http:// in front, but that doesn’t seem to work when I need to use https. Any way around this?
Thanks in advance.