Thanks for this guide, I’ve just tried it, and wanted to pay it forward with a small fix and enhancement of it
Get the files
- Downlad the Postman from
- Move the downloaded zip to a location inside linux files
- Open up the linux terminal and navigate to where you put the zip
- Run
tar -xvf Postman-linux-x64-7.24.0.tar.gz
- Run
sudo apt install libnss3
- You can run the app already (without the icon) with
Make folder
- create the folder .share (if you don’t already have it) `mkdir ~/.local’
- a folder inside of that folder
mkdir ~/.local/share
- another folder…
mkdir ~/.local/share/applications
Create the shortcut file
Open Caret (you can use any other text edit application, but I like this one)
add the following text
(make sure to change the YOURUSERNAME to your actual username; you can usepwd
to find out how it’s actually spelled):[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Postman Exec=/home/**YOURUSERNAME**/Postman/app/Postman %U Icon=/home/**YOURUSERNAME**/Postman/app/resources/app/assets/icon.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Development;
Save that file with the name
Move that file to the correct folder (the one you created on the 2nd part: ~/.local/share/applications
if you search for
it should show up right away
Hat-tip to C.Coates for his answer on another forum.