Installing the new native app in ChromeOS

Heya, I can’t for the life of me find an easy guide to installing the native linux app on ChromeOS, was wondering if someone knows how to do that quickly?

Note: Someone who has actually used ChromeOS with Linux enabled please, have downloaded and moved to Linux files, don’t know how to get it to register in desktop. Don’t think it’s the same process as Ubuntu which seems widely documented.

So I basically followed the instructions here:

I installed libgconf-2-4 as noted in the instructions.

Additionally, I had to install libnss3-dev

I added the .desktop file to /usr/share/applications per the instructions and it shows up in the launcher.


I have installed libnss3-dev and libgconf-2-4 is already installed however I can not get Postman to install. I have installed snapd however when i run sudo snap install postman i get the following error (running beta channel version 80, Debian 10 o a pixelbook)
sudo snap install postman
error: system does not fully support snapd: cannot mount squashfs image using “squashfs”: mount:
** /tmp/sanity-mountpoint-152466127: mount failed: Operation not permitted.**

Can anyone help here, really want to try and get Postman on my chromebook.

Can’t seem to get it working. Could someone supply a simple step-by-step here?

This would be super helpful to the Chrome OS community. Still miss the Chrome App for Postman :frowning_face:

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Hi there,

Step 1. Downlad the Postman from
Step 2. Move the downloaded zip to a location inside linux filex
Step 3. Open up the linux terminal and navigate to where you put the zip
Step 4. Run command tar -xvf Postman-linux-x64-7.24.0.tar.gz
Step 5. You should have a Postman directory in your current working directory which has 2 subfolders, app and Postman
Step 6. Run ./Postman

@Blink-182: I get an error “./Postman/Postman: ./Postman/Postman: cannot execute binary file”

Sorry about that, you must be referencing the wrong path; Do pwd in the extract directory and tell what you find here.

Thanks for this guide, I’ve just tried it, and wanted to pay it forward with a small fix and enhancement of it

Get the files

  1. Downlad the Postman from
  2. Move the downloaded zip to a location inside linux files
  3. Open up the linux terminal and navigate to where you put the zip
  4. Run tar -xvf Postman-linux-x64-7.24.0.tar.gz
  5. Run sudo apt install libnss3
  6. You can run the app already (without the icon) with ./Postman/app/Postman

Make folder

  1. create the folder .share (if you don’t already have it) `mkdir ~/.local’
  2. a folder inside of that folder mkdir ~/.local/share
  3. another folder… mkdir ~/.local/share/applications

Create the shortcut file

  1. Open Caret (you can use any other text edit application, but I like this one)

  2. add the following text
    (make sure to change the YOURUSERNAME to your actual username; you can use pwd to find out how it’s actually spelled):

     [Desktop Entry]
     Exec=/home/**YOURUSERNAME**/Postman/app/Postman %U
  3. Save that file with the name Postman.desktop

  4. Move that file to the correct folder (the one you created on the 2nd part: ~/.local/share/applications

  5. if you search for Postman it should show up right away

Hat-tip to C.Coates for his answer on another forum.


These are exactly what I needed. Worked for me, thanks! The final step, the applications folder wasn’t visible to me in linux (noob here) so I had to look up the command. Perhaps this will help someone else.

Between steps 3 and 4:

3a. Move file to the same Linux share as the postman zip
3b (I suppose this replaces step 4). From the terminal, enter command:
cp Postman.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/Postman.desktop

Yup, this is completely correct. However, I think they since fixed it.

Thanks, this worked like a dream! - been trying to install on Crostini for a while

Thanks for taking the time to post that, it worked perfectly for me!

Thanks, @BroadbandJesus your guide was excellent. I’d tried a number of different approaches but I couldn’t make it work, but thanks to you, everything is now working with Postman on my Chromebook Pixel.

Hello buddy.

I’m following your guide but as a noob as I am I don’t know exactly how to Make the folder, I mean what to do exactly in order to create those folders.

Neither have idea what to do to create the shortcut file.

Can you explain it to me step by step?

I think it would make also a better contribution for the community of noobs like me.

Thanks in advance.