If statement failing: always adding collection variable even though test has failed


I have the following JSON response



        "nid": "387",

        "changed": "1612429358"



        "nid": "388",

        "changed": "1612439271"



        "nid": "389",

        "changed": "1612958700"



        "nid": "399",

        "changed": "1613139731"



        "nid": "392",

        "changed": "1613140500"



        "nid": "393",

        "changed": "1613145772"


And Iā€™m running the following test to verify that a specified ā€˜nidā€™ is returned in the response.

/* Verify apprenticeship in the status of "Published" is correctly returned */

    var resp = JSON.parse(responseBody);

    var _ = require('lodash')

    var apprenticeshipexists = _.find(resp, function(o) { 

           return o.nid == pm.collectionVariables.get("publishedNID"); });

    pm.test("Published apprenticeship is returned", function () {

        pm.expect((apprenticeshipexists) != null).to.be.true});

    //If test has passed add apprenticeship ID as a variable for use in further tests

    if (pm.expect((apprenticeshipexists) != null).to.be.true = true){

        pm.collectionVariables.set("PublishedIDTemp", pm.collectionVariables.get("publishedNID"));

    } else

        {console.log("Test failed apprenticeship ID not present");


The test is ā€˜passingā€™ and ā€˜failingā€™ correctly, however my if statement is always adding the variable 'ā€œPublishedIDTempā€ even when pm.expect((apprenticeshipexists) != null).to.be.true returns as false. Can you help?


In my opinion, this code is hard to follow because youā€™re mixing assertions in your if statements. Iā€™d rewrite it for maintainability sake to something like the following:

const publishedNID = pm.collectionVariables.get('publishedNID');
const jsonData = pm.response.json();
const apprenticeship = jsonData.find(data => data.nid === publishedNID);

pm.test('Published apprenticeship is returned', function(){

if(apprenticeship) {
    pm.collectionVariables.set('PublishedIDTemp', publishedNID);
else {

If an assertion fails in a test, it will stop executing code from that point on in the specific test. This means if you want to do some things based on the existence of that object, youā€™d need to move the logic outside of the assertion.

One thing I noticed is that you werenā€™t explicitly unsetting the PublishedIDTemp variable, which might have led to some of your confusion.

Let me know if this helps!

Hi @allenheltondev, many thanks that worked perfectly.

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