How to sync or refresh collections from API definitions without deleting the existing collection


I am using postman 10.9 desktop version. I created the API definitions which is coming up greatly. Now I created the collections from definitions by clicking the create collection plus symbol. Now I have created the test and request body update in the newly created collection.

Next, I added some more post/get API’s in existing definition. Now I need to bring those new API definition changes in into the existing collection which we created initially. Please note that I don’t want to delete and recreate. Because, it has some test cases and saved examples.

May I know how to achieve this?


Hey there!

This isn’t possible at the moment but we’re working on bringing that feature to Postman.
You can follow updates in this github issue: Add an option to "Update Collection" generated from the APIs tab · Issue #6722 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support · GitHub

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