How to read raw body application/xml data into php

My XML file content is following, And I am sending this content in POST method body =>“RAW”=>“XML(application /XML)” I want to read this file in PHP format so anyone has an idea how to do this?

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
                xmlns:eb="" version="2.0">
                    <eb:PartyId type="URI"></eb:PartyId>
                    <eb:PartyId type="URI"></eb:PartyId>
            xmlns="" PrimaryLangID="en" Version="8.000">
                <HotelDescriptiveContent BrandCode="XQ" CurrencyCode="USD" HotelCode="B5C4" HotelName="SLS South Beach Miami" LanguageCode="en" TimeZone="GMT;-5">
                    <HotelInfo HotelStatus="Bookable" HotelStatusCode="1" LastUpdated="2020-07-24T10:37:52.000Z" WhenBuilt="2012">