I get the error in response when I pass the form data. Form-data and error response is mentioned below. How do I resolve the issue?
firstName: Om
middleName: Sharan
lastName: Singh
email: [email protected]
dobAD: 2006-10-18
dobBS: 2063-07-01
age: 18
gender: MALE
phoneNumber: 9841796925
simType: PREPAID
education: SECONDARY
communicationType: WHATSAPP
communicationNumber: 9841796925
maritalStatus: UNMARRIED
fatherName: David Singh
grandFatherName: Mohan Karki
noOfDependent: 3
nationalId: 10001000
citizenshipNumber: 19101023
citizenshipIssuedPlace: 73
citizenshipIssuedDate: 2081-07-15
panNumber: 110000005
panIssuedDate: 2081-07-15
mobileUser: false
kycReferencesDTOS[0].name: Jivan Singh
kycReferencesDTOS[0].contactNo: 9841712345
kycReferencesDTOS[0].relationshipType: FRIEND
kycReferencesDTOS[0].address: Umrer Road
kycReferencesDTOS[1].name: Mathew Rauniyar
kycReferencesDTOS[1].contactNo: 9841796923
kycReferencesDTOS[1].relationshipType: SIBLING
kycReferencesDTOS[1].address: Krishnanagar
"error": {
"errorList": [
"errorCode": 400,
"errorMessage": "Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.time.LocalDate' for property 'dobAD'; Failed to convert from type [java.lang.String] to type [@jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull java.time.LocalDate] for value ' 2006/10/18'"
"errorCode": 400,
"errorMessage": "must be a well-formed email address"
"responseCode": "400",
"message": "Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.time.LocalDate' for property 'dobAD'; Failed to convert from type [java.lang.String] to type [@jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull java.time.LocalDate] for value ' 2006/10/18'",
"timestamp": "2024-11-01 09:11:19"