How to form Post Request with raw body with a binary argument?

I have a REST API that requires a POST Request. The body has two main properties, “docMetadata”, which is an array of name/value pairs, and the second property “docContent” is required to be base64binary data (a PDF document for example).

In Postman, how do you “mesh” these two properties to work together in a single request to be passed? Here is a sample format…

{“name”: “dDocName”, “value”: “9999100”},
{“name”: “dDocTitle”, “value”: “TestDoc”},
{“name”: “dOriginalName”, “value”: “TestDoc_v1.pdf”},
{“name”: “dSecurityGroup”, “value”: “BCBSMN”},
{“name”: “dDocAccount”, “value”: “SERVICE_AGREEMENTS”},
{“name”: “mimeType”, “value”: “pdf”},
{“name”: “xAssessment_Ref”, “value”: “9999100”}
“docContent”: “”