How to create JWE in pre-request script

I would like to know how can I create JWE in pre-request script. I am using jsrsasign library to sign jwt but it doesn’t support JWE.
I have found one library jose but I am not able to find CDN which can be used to load library in the global variable. Is there any other option ?

Anyone ever successfully created JWE in pre-request script ?

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Have you found a solution for that? I’m struggling with the same problem.

I am not able to find CDN which can be used to load library in the global variable


on panva/jose CDN by jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable Open Source CDN

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Tried this but now running into an error that “Error: crypto is not defined”. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

I haven’t tried it, but may be @PanvA can help ?

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