How to create a Spotify API token in Postman

I am new to postman i am here to create spotify api token i have done everything according to the documentation by spotify but still facing {
“error”: “invalid_client”
please resolve my issue

Hi @orbital-module-parti. Welcome to the Postman Community!

An “invalid client” error means that the Client ID that you are using is not recognised by the spotify API. Double check that you are using the right client ID and secret pair.

Additionally, in your first screenshot. The value in the authorization tab does not look correct. It starts with “Basic <” which I think is not a part of the authorization key.

I am using the right client ID and secret pair
it doesn’t even work after removing “Basic <”

Hi @orbital-module-parti,

According to Spotify’s documentation, refreshing a token does not require client_secret, code or redirect_uri in the body. Spotify OAuth server might be sensitive to those parameters.
Other than that, I agree with @gbadebo-bello, you can double check your client Id & secret.
I recommend copying them to environment variables and reuse them across requests.

Hope this helps !

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Please provide a link to the Spotify documentation you are using.

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