How to confirm an Error Code?

When I make a request, I’m expecting an error with code 79 , but I cant get to validate it:

My response body is:
“errors”: [

I am trying with:

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
pm.test("Proper error ", function () {

But I get:
Proper error | AssertionError: expected [ 79 ] to deeply equal 79

Hey @parsy2

errors is an array so it wouldn’t equal that value.

You could try this:


More information about the chai library can be found here:

This way:

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
pm.test("Proper error ", function () {

Returns this:

Proper error | AssertionError: expected [] to include 79

Was the response body the same? Did that return an empty errors array?

I can’t see what you can so I’m only offering a possible solution.